Science Laboratory

The college has well equipped science room. It is utilized for the teaching of Science (Paper V & VI) of B.Ed curriculum. Apparatus, Chemicals, specimens, charts, and models are of standard quality.

Psychology Laboratory

The college has a Psychology Laboratory equipped with various psychological tests and equipment. The B.Ed. students and members of the faculty make use of these tests for conducting research. The Training, Placement and Counseling Cell of the college also utilize these tests for diagnostic and prognostic purposes.

Computer Lab

The college offers a well maintained computer lab to facilitate various groups of the students. Computer practical classes and hands on experience are compulsory for all. The computer Laboratory has 15 systems with suitable configuration* which are handled by experienced faculty members. Various services offered are listed below:

  • Compulsory practical classes.
  • ICT enabled teaching practice.
  • ICT enabled lectures and seminars etc.
  • Research facility using internet.
  • Practical classes as requirement of EPC-3
  • Computer Craft The unique feature of computerized facilities offered is special emphasize on ICT enabled teaching which enables teachers to use information technology for professional growth and better teaching learning environment.

Educational Technology Lab

The college has well equipped Technology lab with slide projector, overhead projector, LCD, Television, VCR, geometrical figures, models, charts, maps, transparencies, slides, white board, flannel board, etc. of standard quality. Technology lab is being utilized by all the lecturers & B.Ed Students.The students are acquainted with knowledge, uses, working and operation of various technology & aids. The students have to prepare transparencies, PowerPoint presentations, charts, models in their teaching subjects. Teachers make use of various aids for the teaching purpose & giving demonstration lessons to make the learning of various topics interesting and effective.